How it works
Add a delivery
Remember to book and pay for your delivery with us after ordering from retailers
How it works
Add a delivery
Frequently Asked Questions
If you don't find an answer, contact customer service at
01534 616 561
What happens if my order is split into multiple deliveries by the retailer?
How much does it cost to use ship2me?
How long will it take?
What if my item is very heavy?
What happens if my order comes down bigger than the size I paid for?
What about more complicated orders?
Are there any additional costs for shipping Li-Ion/Lithium batteries?
If I'm ordering alcohol through Ship2me, when/how do I arrange for payment of duties?
What compensation does Ship2me offer?
What address do I use?
Are you open on weekends?
Can I find out how my delivery is progressing?
Will you deliver to my house?
Can I have anything delivered?
Are there any size restrictions?
Can I ship goods from outside of the United Kingdom?
What happens if I'm not at home when my delivery arrives?
When do you deliver?
Can I cancel an order?
What happens if my goods arrive damaged at your warehouse?
What about any right to cancel under the distance selling laws?
Do I have to pay VAT on goods purchased online or on the UK mainland?
Do I have to pay GST on goods I have delivered by Ship2me?
Do I have to register online to use Ship2me?
What do you do with the personal information I give you?
How do I pay?
How do I make a claim?
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